February Sangha News
February is shaping up to be a full and beautiful month at IWM!
Reflections From Our January Residential Retreat
- We’re grateful to host Dharma Talks with beloved teachers Peggy Gillespie, Devin Berry, Aishah Shahidah Simmons, and Jean Esther.
- Manny Mansbach will offer a half-day retreat on February 22nd to practice steadiness together in these times.
- Affinity Groups, Open Community Practice sessions, and Saturday Sangha continue to meet regularly, and warmly welcome newcomers.
- Looking ahead to March, Bernadine Mellis will offer a month-long course on the Brahmaviharas, and Yenkuei Chuang will offer a half-day Insight Dialogue retreat, both open to beginners and experienced practitioners.
- Registration just opened for a half-day retreat with Kritee on April 13!
Reflections From Our January Residential Retreat
The first residential retreat hosted by IWM in 23 years took place at Potash Hill in Marlboro, Vermont this January. With deep gratitude for the non-residential retreats over the past 2 decades at Cherry Hill Cohousing, this was a new chapter which we hope to continue in the future. Teachers Jean Esther, Devin Berry, and Bernadine Mellis created a sacred container for retreatants through sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, and silence. Light snowfall created a quiet backdrop for the 33 yogis. We are truly grateful to those who made this retreat happen: teachers, staff, and the many volunteers. Kataññu (Thank you).
Here are some highlights shared by retreat participants:
Celebrating 2 Decades of Winter Retreats at Cherry Hill
Generosity is considered one of the most beautiful qualities of the human heart, manifested through sharing ourselves and our resources in many different ways. So many people sustain our community Dharma center through their tireless, and often ‘behind -the -scenes’ generosity of talent, resources, time, energy and love.
At this time, we take this opportunity to celebrate the generosity of Nancy Bair. Nancy has steadfastly, patiently, and lovingly hosted the winter non-residential retreat for IWM at her co-housing community in Amherst, MA. As a result of the gift of Nancy’s time and skill, these retreats have been made possible year after year for well over 2 decades. We are enormously grateful for her managerial skills in the organization and coordination of numerous details, including but not limited to supervising kitchen volunteers and sharing her culinary skills in the crafting and preparation of delicious vegetarian meals for the retreatants.
While she is ready for a well-deserved rest, the spirit of her generosity will continue to resonate in all future endeavors in our Sangha. Please accept our collective bow of gratitude, Nancy. May the merit of your generosity return to you with infinite blessings.
On Behalf of All,
Jean and Rebecca
Monday Night Open Community Practice Sessions
Every weekday, drop-in practice sessions offer an opportunity to meditate with other sangha members in an informal and relaxed setting. Monday Open Practice Sessions (Mondays from 5:30-6:45pm ET) are led by a Community Dharma Steward, and include a guided practice period, a brief dharma description, and time for discussion/questions. Community Dharma Stewards - formerly known as practice leaders - are members of our sangha who have extensive practice experience, are familiar with the Buddha’s teachings, and have been approved to lead community meditation sessions.
For Mondays in February, we will finish talking about the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, and return to the Paramis, or Perfections - wholesome qualities of heart and mind that the Buddha urges us to cultivate on the way to Awakening. According to teacher Kaira Jewel Lingo, "the paramis are qualities that help us develop and reach true happiness, our highest potential." Kittisaro, cofounder of Sacred Mountain Sangha, speaks of them as “the essential qualities of heart that carry us safely through the swirling floods of existence to the unshakeable groundedness and well-being of our true nature."
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Here are some highlights shared by retreat participants:
- Walking in the sun and new snow after a couple days of wise talks and sweet silent sitting.
- I really benefited from the teachings on present moment awareness and focus on the heart!
- The Dharma Talks were inspiring and grounding, the group session helped me feel into my tenderness and compassion, and moments of playfulness brought joy and light to my experience.
- This was my first residential retreat and I am new to this sangha. It was a life-changing experience in many ways, especially feeling like I now belong to this community. Thank you for creating the conditions that made this retreat such a special experience.
Celebrating 2 Decades of Winter Retreats at Cherry Hill
Generosity is considered one of the most beautiful qualities of the human heart, manifested through sharing ourselves and our resources in many different ways. So many people sustain our community Dharma center through their tireless, and often ‘behind -the -scenes’ generosity of talent, resources, time, energy and love.
At this time, we take this opportunity to celebrate the generosity of Nancy Bair. Nancy has steadfastly, patiently, and lovingly hosted the winter non-residential retreat for IWM at her co-housing community in Amherst, MA. As a result of the gift of Nancy’s time and skill, these retreats have been made possible year after year for well over 2 decades. We are enormously grateful for her managerial skills in the organization and coordination of numerous details, including but not limited to supervising kitchen volunteers and sharing her culinary skills in the crafting and preparation of delicious vegetarian meals for the retreatants.
While she is ready for a well-deserved rest, the spirit of her generosity will continue to resonate in all future endeavors in our Sangha. Please accept our collective bow of gratitude, Nancy. May the merit of your generosity return to you with infinite blessings.
On Behalf of All,
Jean and Rebecca
Monday Night Open Community Practice Sessions
Every weekday, drop-in practice sessions offer an opportunity to meditate with other sangha members in an informal and relaxed setting. Monday Open Practice Sessions (Mondays from 5:30-6:45pm ET) are led by a Community Dharma Steward, and include a guided practice period, a brief dharma description, and time for discussion/questions. Community Dharma Stewards - formerly known as practice leaders - are members of our sangha who have extensive practice experience, are familiar with the Buddha’s teachings, and have been approved to lead community meditation sessions.
For Mondays in February, we will finish talking about the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, and return to the Paramis, or Perfections - wholesome qualities of heart and mind that the Buddha urges us to cultivate on the way to Awakening. According to teacher Kaira Jewel Lingo, "the paramis are qualities that help us develop and reach true happiness, our highest potential." Kittisaro, cofounder of Sacred Mountain Sangha, speaks of them as “the essential qualities of heart that carry us safely through the swirling floods of existence to the unshakeable groundedness and well-being of our true nature."
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