By Rebecca Bradshaw
As the next decade begins, we are coming into a world that is manifesting huge amounts of greed, hatred, and delusion. We are going to need help navigating this coming year and beyond; we are going to need a strong and resilient heart. During a six month series of talks, we will explore the Buddha’s practices to develop this heart. Each month we will look at beautiful mind/heart states that the Buddha encourages us to nurture, including the four divine abodes (Brahmaviharas), forgiveness and gratitude. The quality of equanimity is the great balancer to the heartwarming practices of loving kindness, compassion, and appreciative joy. This practice explores letting go of any contraction or demands that the heart has accumulated during the strengthening of our connections with others. By releasing our efforts to control, we find the heart settling more and more fully into reality, ever expanding and becoming boundless. Sit together remotely with other sangha members in a relaxed online atmosphere (7:00) and enjoy a dharma talk by Rebecca Bradshaw (7:35). Wednesday, July 8, 7pm. Zoom Link. Password: 242. Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242.
In the field of collective consciousness, the long standing harm of racism is breaking through the long standing denial of it through systemized white privilege. How can the Buddha’s teachings continue to guide us as our hearts and minds explore the questions of compassion, wise action and self care within these specific conditions around us and within us? Please join Jean for meditation, dharma talk and group discussion. No pre-registration needed. June 20; 10:00am-11:45pm By Jean Esther Tonights dharma talk by Jean Esther will be on Wise Action as a factor of the Noble Eight-Fold Path.
Given the national climate in response to the murder of George Floyd, there will be an opportunity for small break out group discussions for us to be in community together to explore these teachings. Zoom Link. Password: 242. Dial in by phone for audio only: Call (646) 558-8656. Meeting ID: 943 156 1684. Password: 242. Support Dharma Talks - Suggested donation: $7-25 Thank you! As events unfold and call us to support each by challenging systemic racial violence and by engaging in non-harming through social distancing, our ability to remember the strengths we have forged as members of the LGBTQIA+ community are all the more important. Please join Peggy Gillespie and Phoenix Soleil for this meditation and dharma discussion bringing us together during Pride Month. Peggy and Phoenix will lead a meditation and offer dharma sharings on practicing metta, liberation through the dharma, remembering LGBTQIA+ history and pride, and acting together for social change. Sunday, June 21, 7pm. All are welcome. No registration necessary. Support Dharma Talks - Suggested donation: $7-25* The Zoom link and password can be found on our homepage within the calendar listing. Click the name and the links will be above the description. In the interest of encouraging generous support for our teachers and meeting InsightPV's expenses, there will be a suggested donation, with 60% going to the teacher and 40% to the center. As always, this donation is completely voluntary and is a personal decision. Please know that accessibility is very important to us; everyone is welcome at all of our events regardless of ability to donate. |
AuthorsBlog posts are written by various IPV and guest teachers. Biographies can be found on the Teachers page. Archives
July 2020