By Tara Mulay, IPV Teacher
During this Wednesday's dharma talk and discussion, we will explore how practice opens us to the truth of our sensitivity as human beings, tenderizing our heart, and the transformations that can occur when wisdom arises from our wholesome tenderness. Join Tara for an open sitting and Dharma Talk on Wednesday, December 4, 7pm.
By Janet Surrey, Guest Teacher Where do we find the light in the darkness of these times? Inspired by the winter solstice, we notice that the stillness when the sun stands still (the actual meaning of the word solstice) is at the end of the longest night. And this stillness is actually the point when the earth begins to turn again toward the light. In this retreat day, we will contemplate the power of turning toward the night, the difficult, the mysterious unknown - all that we face today - and finding through the stillness together a renewal of faith in life. Come and join us in practicing Insight Dialogue - a relationally engaged co-meditative practice - and finding the joy and equanimity to face the unknown and the difficult together. Through cultivating the wholesome power of contemplation in relationship, we may face the realities of the enormity of the climate emergency - the threat to life as we know it - and perhaps find our way together toward the light of wisdom and compassion. Join Janet and Florence for Kindling the Light of Awareness: An Insight Dialogue Retreat on Saturday, December 7; 9:30am - 4:30pm.
By Tara Mulay, IPV Teacher Due to cultural conditioning, many of us find it difficult to imagine the potential of our minds to experience the sure heart’s release from suffering. However, the message of the Buddha was clear – each of us has this innate capacity for freedom. The path of awakening the Buddha identified is a natural process leading to non-clinging, intuitive wisdom, and deep compassion for ourselves and others. In order to make space for the liberative process to emerge more fully, we need to understand the mind’s potential and recondition ourselves to be free of false, self-limiting views and mind-states.
In this four-week class, we will explore the process of liberation that unfolds in our practice as we naturally, sequentially cultivate the wholesome qualities of mind known as the seven factors of awakening: mindfulness, investigation (of physical and mental experiences), energy, tranquility, rapture (rapt attention), concentration, and equanimity. We will begin and end this four-week class by exploring awakening itself and what awakening means for each of us. Join Tara for The Seven Factors of Awakening beginning on Monday, November 18, 7:15pm. |
AuthorsBlog posts are written by various IPV and guest teachers. Biographies can be found on the Teachers page. Archives
July 2020